Hospitality Master’s Funding Opportunities

The Harrah College of Hospitality offers master’s students the follow funding opportunities.

  • Scholarships for incoming master’s students that range from $1,000 to $5000. There is no application process as the hospitality graduate faculty admission committee awards based on the applicant’s application materials.
  • Graduate Hourly positions
  • Scholarships for continuing students. Students must submit an application to be considered for these scholarships by the deadline.

The Provost Office provides funds for the college to award a few Graduate Assistantships to assist with the Hospitality Freshman Experience course. As long as the college receives these funds from the Provost Office, a couple of GAs appointments at the master’s level will be awarded to assist with this course. Currently, these are the only GA appointments we award at the master’s level. Student’s interested in a GA position are encourage to complete the UNLV Graduate College GA application for these few GA appointments and for GA appointments in other units on campus. The following criteria is used when awarding these few GA appointments.

  • Must be a full-time, degree-seeking student in either the HOA, HOA-MIS, or HOA-MBA programs.
  • Must have a passing English Proficiency Score: Duolingo English Test: 65 or higher; TOEFL: 22 or higher on the Speaking component; or IELTS: 6.5 or higher on the English portion of the exam.
  • Must be in good academic standing in their program, with a 3.0 or higher GPA in the hospitality graduate program. The overall GPA includes all courses completed under the hospitality graduate program code or dual program code.

New Master Student Scholarship Eligibility

The Harrah College of Hospitality uses the following criteria to determine which admitted students in the master’s program are eligible to be considered for one of the scholarship available.

  • Recommended for admission into the program no later than June 1.
  • Has an overall bachelor’s GPA of 3.0 or higher or a 3.2 or higher in their last 60 hours.
  • Show potential to continue onto the PhD program.

For applicants who meet the above criteria, the admissions committee will use their application materials to determine which admitted students will be awarded.

Graduate Hourly Positions

Hospitality Office of Graduate Programs hires between 6 to 8 master’s students in the HOA, HOA-MIS, or HOA-MBA program. Students must meet the following criteria below to apply.

  • Must be an incoming or current student in the HOA, HOA-MIS, or HOA-MBA program.
  • Must hold an overall 3.0 or higher GPA in the program (incoming students must hold an overall 3.0 or higher in their bachelor’s degree).
  • Must have received a positive evaluation from the department chair or faculty for any previous graduate hourly position held.

Students are hired to assist our three departments with our undergraduate courses. Students report directly to the department chair and are assigned to different faculty within the department. Students may work for two or three different faculty assisting with grading assignments, preparing exams and assignments, and other administrative tasks.

Students who are hired are paid an hourly wage of $15/hr. Students will work between 10 to 20 hours a week. Please note that these graduate hourly appointments do not provide a tuition and fee waiver. We hire students by semester for the fall and spring terms. Students must submit a new application (download the application an open it in Adobe to complete it) each semester by the following deadlines.

  • Fall Term: July 31
  • Spring Term: December 15

Applications (download the application an open it in Adobe to complete it) must be submitted by the deadline to Rhonda McElroy at